Gratitude Journaling: Prompts for Cultivating Gratitude

This blog post is a continuation from Gratitude Journaling: A Daily Practice for Mental Health.

Gratitude can have transformative and lasting effects on one’s mind, body and spirit.

In today's fast-paced world, unpleasant thoughts and emotions can easily and quickly overwhelm us. However, taking time to reflect on the people, experiences, or items you are thankful for provides an adaptive way to combat stressors. Acknowledging and expressing gratitude can help shift perspective, enhance relationships, and cultivate resilience and happiness.

There are various ways to journal. You can write daily journal entries or weekly reflections. You can make a quick list of five things you are grateful for today. You could pick a theme, such as memories you are grateful for and focus on that for a certain amount of time. You could even write gratitude letters to the people, or things, that matter in your life. Try a few approaches or try them all and see what you enjoy. With time, you might just see the power of keeping a record of your gratitude. You might see that with commitment and sincerity, you are able to store positive energy, gain clarity in your life, and have greater control of your emotional wellness.

25 Gratitude Journaling Prompts:

  1. Today, I am grateful for...

  2. A goal I achieved recently and the steps I took to get there…

  3. A person who has made a difference in my life is...

  4. Something that brought me joy today was...

  5. I feel appreciated when…

  6. A challenge I overcame recently and what I learned from it...

  7. In my day-to-day life, I will express more gratitude to others by…

  8. A place or environment where I feel peaceful and grateful is...

  9. An act of kindness I received or witnessed today...

  10. A skill or talent I possess that I am thankful for...

  11. A happy memory from my past that I cherish is...

  12. Something in nature that brings me awe and gratitude is...

  13. Three great decisions I have made in the last six months include…

  14. The last good cry I had taught me…

  15. An anonymous act of kindness I showed was ____ and it made me feel…

  16. A way that I say “thank you” without using those exact words is… 

  17. The last time I laughed so hard my belly hurt was… 

  18. No matter what, I always make time for…

  19. There was a time I took ____ for granted, but now I …

  20. The last person I expressed gratitude to was ____ and I felt… 

  21. Change has taught me…

  22. A time that someone forgave me for a mistake I made was…

  23. A part of my daily routine I am most grateful for is…

  24. Something my body has done for me today is…

  25. I am most fulfilled when…

Here at Atlanta Wellness Collective, we want to help. For support, contact us or request an appointment online.

This blog post was written by Anna Worden.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.


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