Natural Ways to Heal Anxiety

I came across this video from Dr. Amen of the Amen Clinics on Natural Ways to Heal Anxiety. Of all the questions I'm asked by clients and across social media, the most frequent questions are about treating anxiety and anxiety medication. Feel free to watch the video from Dr. Amen, or read on for my thoughts and tips on naturally healing anxiety.

If you'd like more information and weekly encouragement about anxiety, also be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter, The Anxious Achievers Club.

Rule Out Other Diagnoses

You can work with your family medical doctor to rule out diagnoses that relate to or can cause anxiety. These can include hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, anemia/low iron. Routine lab work can help rule out other diagnoses.

Eliminate Artificial Dyes & Sweeteners, including Caffeine

Sometimes your diet may be playing a role in what's making you anxious or causing anxiety symptoms. Caffeine and sugar are stimulants that can mimic anxiety symptoms, like increasing your heart rate. Try eliminating these from your diet for several weeks.

Increase Healthy Coping Skills

Increasing healthy coping skills, like meditation, mindfulness, exercise, and breathwork, are all natural ways to heal anxiety. They have no side-effects and are free.

Write Down What You're Thinking

Often, anxious feelings stem from anxious thinking patterns. Begin to journal and write down your anxious thoughts or negative thoughts. What is your brain communicating? Next, ask, "Is this thought true? Is it helpful? Is it encouraging to me?" If not, it's most likely an anxious thought.

Schedule a Consultation

It's also appropriate to schedule a consultation at our office for medication. You can share more about your situation, what you've tried in the past, and ask any questions you have about medication. Request a psychiatric appointment through our website or email for more information.

This blog post was written by Nicole Thaxton, PhD, LPC, NCC, CPCS.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.



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