Get to Know Michelle Parker

How did I get into this career?

They say bones grow back stronger once they are broken. I believe the same is true in people. The strength, dignity, humility, and peace surrounding a life that has lived, learned, and is now healing is beautiful. It is what I believe David meant when he said in Psalm 3:3, “But You, Oh Lord, are a shield for me. My glory and the one who lifts up my head.“

Twenty-five years ago, I began my master’s degree in Counseling. During year one, I felt a nudge that God wanted me to stay home with my (future) children. I obeyed and have since raised and homeschooled four children. I thought that was my purpose. Years later, I know that all of my life experiences prepared me to be a therapist. This career not only gives me joy in sharing in the lives of my brothers and sisters on earth, but gives glory to our Father by trusting His hand to create our stories and guide us. Every day of my life yielded a little more of what I needed to come to this place.

What is my favorite thing about counseling?

My philosophy is simple – people need to feel loved, feel seen, and to connect. Nobody cares what you know until they know you care. Through the therapy relationship, I want to crawl in the pit with you instead of standing at the top yelling down. There’s an old study on the power of encouragement that showed people could stand in ice water TWICE as long if they had someone nearby encouraging them. I believe the point to be true – together, we can weather the storm, and possibly even witness the promise of the rainbow afterward. Cheesy, maybe…but true.

What do I like to do when I’m not at Atlanta Wellness Collective?

I’m married to a handsome firefighter who loves his job, too. Together, we have five children, and we are tired! Just kidding. When we are home and have free-time and need to decompress we love cooking big meals for our family, and we love home projects.

What do I hope for my clients?

I’m confident that my purpose involves sharing what I’ve learned so that my clients can heal broken relationships, establish a beautiful, DEEP connection with one-another, and learn healthy relationship cycles. I desire to help couples understand each other’s differences in thinking, feeling, expressing, understand why we do or feel or say certain things, recognize hurt and not just see the results of it, and create new patterns of thinking and communicating.

Request an appointment with Michelle in person in Acworth or via telehealth.



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